Monograhs and Chapters in Books

Monograph in preparation:

D. Plikynas et al. "The multidisciplinary algorithmic frontier of propaganda warfare: at the crossroads between machine learning and social impact". Springer. [Draft preparation stage (86 pp.), tentative date of publication 2026 Q2]

Scientific monograph published by Springer:

D. Plikynas. Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm: The Simulation of Agents and Social Systems. Springer: Switzerland, pp. 325, 2016. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39040-6

Scientific monograph published in Lithuania:

D. Plikynas and P. Daniušis. Computational Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems in the Social Domain: Methods, Applications, and Perspectives. Academy of Management & Business, 2010, pp. 395, ISBN 978-9955-528-18-0, UDK 004.8 Pl-66.


Chapters in Books

D. Plikynas, S. Masteika, G. Basinskas, D. Kezys, K. Pravin. Group Neurodynamics: Conceptual and Experimental Framework, in: Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV). H. Liljenström (Editor). Springer, Dordrecht, p. 15-20, 2015. (book chapter)

Plikynas, D., & Raudys, S. Towards Nonlocal Field-Like Social Interactions: an Oscillating Agent Based Conceptual and Simulation Framework. In Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior: New Frontiers of Social Science Research. Springer book chapter (Eds. Secchi D. and Neumann M.), pp. 237-263, 2015.

D. Plikynas, A. Raudys, Š. Raudys. Modeling of excitation propagation for social interactions. G. Meisewitz (Ed.):SCSM/HCII 2014, LNCS 8531, pp. 242-252.

D. Plikynas, S. Masteika. Social modeling in the conceptual framework of synchronized neurodynamic oscillations. G. Meisewitz (Ed.): SCSM/HCII 2014, LNCS 8531, pp. 253-264.