Articles and
D. Plikynas, I. Rizgelienė and G. Korvel, Systematic Review of Fake News, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Examining Authors, Content, and Social Impact through Machine Learning. IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3530688 (WoS Q1)
D. Plikynas et al. "The multidisciplinary algorithmic frontier of propaganda warfare: at the crossroads between machine learning and social impact". Springer. [Draft preparation stage (86 pp.), tentative date of publication 2026 Q2]
D. Plikynas. Systematic Overview of Machine Learning Applied for Propaganda Social Impact Research. 5th International Conference on NLP & Artificial Intelligence Techniques (NLAI 2024), Zurich, Switzerland. 2024. Proceedings: Volume 14 : Number 22 : Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT)
D. Plikynas. Research on the social impact of propaganda and disinformation: methods, models, perspectives. XXI Scientific Conference of Computer Scientists at Kaunas University Faculty. 28-29 September 2023.
Plikynas D, Miliauskas A, Laužikas R, Dulskis V, Sakalauskas L. The cultural impact on social cohesion: an agent-based modeling approach. Quality & Quantity. 2022 Jan 21:1-32. [Q1; IF=3.65]
Plikynas D, Indriulionis A, Laukaitis A, Sakalauskas L. Indoor-guided navigation for people who are blind: crowdsourcing for route mapping and assistance. Applied Sciences. 2022 Jan;12(1):523. [Q2]
Rizgelienė I, Plikynas D. Automated Propaganda Detection Using Deep Learning Methods: a Pilot Systematic Review Research. In 13-th international conference DAMSS, Druskininkai, Lithuania, December 1 – 3, 2022.
Plikynas D. Kultūros procesų socialinio poveikio metrika, konceptualus bei imitacinis modeliavimas. Skaitmeninė humanitarika: tarpdisciplininių studijų programų bei tarpdisciplininių projektų vystymo galimybės. Vilniaus universiteto senato sale, 2022 m. lapkričio 23 d.
Laukaitis A, Ostašius E, Plikynas D. Deep Semantic Parsing with Upper Ontologies. Applied Sciences. 2021 Jan;11(20):9423. [Q2]
Sakalauskas L, Dulskis V, Lauzikas R, Miliauskas A, Plikynas D. A probabilistic model of the impact of cultural participation on social capital. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology. 2021 Apr 3;45(2):65-78. Print ISSN: 0022-250X Online ISSN: 1545-5874. [Q2]
Plikynas D, Indriulionis A. Blind People’s Navigation Improvements Using Crowdsourcing. In proceedings of eTELEMED 2021: The Thirteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, 2021.
Plikynas D. Indoor Visual Mapping and Navigation for Blind People. In the proceedings of 14th International Conference on Machine Vision, 2021.
Plikynas D, Žvironas A, Gudauskis M, Budrionis A, Daniušis P, Sliesoraitytė I. Research advances of indoor navigation for blind people: A brief review of technological instrumentation. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine. 2020 Jun 25;23(4):22-32. [Q2]
Plikynas D, Žvironas A, Budrionis A, Gudauskis M. Indoor navigation systems for visually impaired persons: Mapping the features of existing technologies to user needs. Sensors. 2020 Jan;20(3):636. [Q2]
Budrionis A, Plikynas D, Daniušis P, Indrulionis A. Smartphone-based computer vision travelling aids for blind and visually impaired individuals: A systematic review. Assistive Technology. 2020 Apr 17:1-7. [Q2]
Laužikas, Rimvydas; Plikynas, Darius; Dulskis Vytautas; Sakalauskas Leonidas. Application of Agent-based Modeling for Cultural Information-based Decisions Making. Informacijos mokslai. 2020, vol. 88, pp. 8-28.
Plikynas D, Sakalauskas L, Raudys A. Conceptual Modelling of Brain State Dynamics as Free Energy and Entropy-Based Processes. Informatica. 2019 Jan 1;30(4):749-80. ISSN: 0868-4952. [Impact factor 1.928; Q1]
Plikynas, Darius; Laužikas, Rimvydas; Sakalauskas, Leonidas; Miliauskas, Arūnas; Dulskis, Vytautas. Agent-based simulation of cultural events impact on social capital dynamics. IntelliSys 2019: intelligent systems and applications : proceedings of SAI intelligent systems conference. Cham : Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2019. ISBN 9783030295158. eISBN 9783030295165. p. 1138-1154. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; vol. 1037). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29516-5_84.
Laužikas, Rimvydas; Plikynas, Darius. Towards conceptually novel oscillating agent-based simulation of the relationship between cultural participation and social capital. Modeling and simulation of social-behavioral phenomena in creative societies. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019. ISBN 9783030298616. eISBN 9783030298623. p. 126-144. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, ISSN 1865-0929 ; vol. 1079). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29862-3_10.
D. Plikynas, A. Žvironas, A. Budrionis, M. Gudauskis. Indoor Electronic Traveling Aids for Visually Impaired: Systemic Review. 6th Annual Conf. on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence (CSCI'19. Dec 05-07, 2019, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
D. Plikynas, A. Miliauskas, R. Laužikas. Simulation of Social Capital Dynamics: Impact of Cultural Events. 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Sanya, China, December 20-22, 2019.
Panavas, Liudas; Plikynas, Darius. Social Capital effects on Migration in a Modern Global Society. In proceedings of MSBC-2019, 2019, Vilnius.
Plikynas, Darius, Miliauskas, Arūnas; Dulskis, Vytautas. Simulation of social capital dissemination following Axelrod’s adapted and improved cultural model. In proceedings of MSBC-2019, 2019, Vilnius.
Daniušis P., Budrionis A., Indriulionis A., Plikynas D. Computer Vision-based System for Impaired Human Vision Compensation In proceedings of international conference eTELEMED 2019: The Eleventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, 2019.
A. Laukaitis, D. Plikynas, E. Ostasius (2018) Sentence Level Alignment of Digitized Books Parallel Corpora. Informatica. Vol. 29, No. 4, 1–18. [Q1]
R. Laužikas, D. Plikynas, L. Sakalauskas. A Conceptual Model for Social Impact of Cultural Processes. International conference CAA-2018, Tubingen, 2018.
P. Daniušis, A. Budrionis, A. Indriulionis, D. Plikynas. Computer Vision-based System for Impaired Human Vision Compensation. eTELEMED 2019 : The Eleventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, Athens, Greece, 2019 Feb. 24-28.
A. Raudys, S. Blaziunas, L. Zvirblis, D. Plikynas. Atomic Order Execution Tactics in Future Markets: a Simulation Study Using Real World Market Data. Information technology and control, vol. 46(1): 70-85, 2017. DOI 10.5755/j01.itc.46.1.15413 [Q3]
I. Vaiciulyte, Z. Kalsyte, L. Sakalauskas, D. Plikynas. Assessment of market reaction on the share performance on the basis of its visualization in 2D space. Journal of business economics and management, vol. 18(2): 321–330, 2017. doi:10.3846/16111699.2017.1285348 [Q2]
D. Plikynas. Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm:The Simulation of Agents and Social Systems. Springer: Switzerland, pp. 325, 2016. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39040-6 [Monograph]
D. Plikynas. Oscillating agent model in terms of adapted Orch OR theory. International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics (MSAM2015), Phuket, Thailand, 2015.
Plikynas, D., & Raudys, S. Towards Nonlocal Field-Like Social Interactions: Oscillating Agent Based Conceptual and Simulation Framework. In Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior: New Frontiers of Social Science Research. Springer book chapter (Eds. Secchi D. and Neumann M.), pp. 237–263, 2015.
D. Plikynas, S. Masteika, G. Basinskas, D. Kezys, K. Pravin. Group Neurodynamics: Conceptual and Experimental Framework, in: Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV). H. Liljenström (Editor). Springer, Dordrecht, p. 15-20, 2015. (book chapter)
D. Plikynas. Oscillating agent model: quantum approach. Neuroquantology, 13(1), pp. 20-34, 2015. doi: 10.14704/nq.2015.13.1.796 [Q3]
D. Kezys, D. Plikynas. Prognostication of Human Brain EEG Signal Dynamics Using a Refined Coupled Oscillator Energy Exchange Model. NeuroQuantology, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 337-349, 2014. doi:10.14704/nq.2014.12.4.779. [Q3]
D. Plikynas, G. Bašinskas, A. Laukaitis. Towards oscillations-based simulation of social systems: a neurodynamic approach. Connection Science, 27(2), pp. 188-211, 2014. DOI:10.1080/09540091.2014.956293 [Q2]
D.Plikynas, S. Masteika, G. Basinskas, D. Kezys, P. Kumar, A. Laukaitis. Social Systems in Terms of Coherent Individual Neurodynamics: Conceptual Premises and Experimental Scope. International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 434-469, 2014. DOI:10.1080/03081079.2014.888552 [Q2]
D. Plikynas, A. Raudys, S. Raudys. Agents based modelling of excitation propagation in the social medium groups. Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence, 2014. DOI:10.1080/0952813X.2014.954631 [Q3]
A. Raudys, D. Plikynas, S. Masteika. Novel Automated Multi-Agent Investment System Based on Simulation of Self-Excitatory Oscillations. Transformations in Business & Economics, Vol. 13, No 2 (32), pp. 42-59, 2014. [Q2]
S. Raudys, Ai. Raudys, D. Plikynas. Multi-agent system based on oscillating agents for portfolio design. Proc. of 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2014), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, November 27-29, 2014. (IEEE proc.)
D. Plikynas, A. Raudys, Š. Raudys. Modeling of excitation propagation for social interactions. G. Meisewitz (Ed.):SCSM/HCII 2014, LNCS 8531, pp. 242-252. (ISI proc.)
D. Plikynas, S. Masteika. Social modeling in the conceptual framework of synchronized neurodynamic oscillations. G. Meisewitz (Ed.): SCSM/HCII 2014, LNCS 8531, pp. 253-264. (ISI proc.)
D. Plikynas. Social Systems in Terms of Self-Organized Oscillations and Coherent Order: Conceptual Scope. Proc. of 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED’14), Gdansk, 15-17 May, 2014.
D. Kezys, D. Plikynas. EEG Prognostication Using Coupled Oscillators Energy Exchange Model and Narrow Spectral Bands Superposition Approach. Proc. of 5th International Conference on Bioscience and Bioinformatics (ICBB ’14), Gdansk, 15-17 May, 2014.
D. Plikynas. Towards nonlocal field-like social interactions: agent based conceptual and simulation framework. International workshop „Modelling Organisational Behaviour and Social Agency“, Bournemouth University, UK, 2014.
D. Plikynas. Towards Representation of Agents and Social Systems Using Field-Theoretical Approach. WSEAS Transactions On Systems, Vol. 13, pp. 730-744, 2014. (SCOPUS article)
D. Plikynas, D. Kezys. Coupled Oscillators Energy Exchange Model Applied for the EEG Spectral Modeling and Forecasting.WSEAS Transactions On Biology And Biomedicine, Vol. 11, pp. 174-182, 2014. (SCOPUS article)
D.Plikynas. TOWARDS OSCILLATIONS BASED SOCIAL SIMULATION PARADIGM: collection of working papers. Kazimieras Simonavičius University, ISBN 978-609-95241-8-4, 2013, pp.136.
D.Plikynas, S. Masteika, G. Basinskas, D. Kezys, P. Kumar. Group neurodynamics: conceptual and experimental framework. Proc. of the 4-th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - ICCN2013, 2013
D. Plikynas. Towards oscillation-based simulation of social agents and networks. International Workshop on Agent-Based Models and Complex Techno-Social Systems, ETH Zurich (Switzerland), July 2-4, 2012.
D. Plikynas, K. Tamošiūnas, S. Masteika, D. Kezys, G. Bašinskas. Environment, society and human minds in terms of coherence managed by the synchronization processes. Int. Conference Complexity and Crisis Management in Society and Environment, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Kohtu 6, 28–29 May 2012.
D. Plikynas. The Conceptual Premises for the Construction of an Oscillation-Based Social Simulation Paradigm. In the proceedings of the international conference ICSSH 2012, Chennai, 2012.
D. Plikynas and S. Masteika. Interdisciplinary search for field-like coherence and coordination principles in the case of social modeling. In the proceedings of the international conference ICSSH 2012, Chennai, 2012.
D. Plikynas, S. Masteika, A. Budrionis. Interdisciplinary Principles of Field-Like Coordination in the Case of Self-Organized Social Systems. In the proceedings of the international conference ICSMS 2012, Dubai, 2012.
A. Laukaitis, O. Vasilecas, R. Laukaitis, D. Plikynas. Semi-Automatic Bilingual Corpus Creation with Zero Entropy Alignments. INFORMATICA, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1–22, 2011. [Q1]
D. Plikynas, A. Budrionis. Kompiuterinio intelekto ir daugiaagenčių sistemų integralus taikymas socialiniams tyrimams: principai ir galimybės. Pinigų studijos 2010/1, Lietuvos Bankas, 2010.
D. Plikynas. A virtual field-based conceptual framework for the simulation of complex social systems. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2010, Vol. 23, No. 2, ISSN 1009-6124. (ISI article)
D. Plikynas. Networking conception of e-manufacturing systems. 6th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management-2010". Vilnius, VGTU, 2010. (ISI proceedings)
D. Plikynas and P. Daniušis. Computational Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems in the Social Domain: Methods, Applications, and Perspectives. Academy of Management & Business, 2010, pp. 395, ISBN 978-9955-528-18-0, UDK 004.8 Pl-66. (Monograph)
D. Plikynas. Networking conception of e-manufacturing systems. 6th International Scientific Conference Business and Management-2010. Vilnius, VGTU, 2010. (ISI proceedings).
D. Plikynas. Simulation of Information-based Social Networks: Virtual Computational Fields Approach. 5th International Vilnius Conference on Sustainable Development. (KORSD-2009), Sept. 30-Oct 3, 2009, Vilnius, pp. 198-203. ISBN 978-9955-28-482-6.
D. Plikynas. Virtual Computational Field-Based Multiagent Systems: A Conceptual View. 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation (ACMOS `09), Istanbul, Turkey, 2009, pp. 88-94. ISSN 1790-5117; ISBN 978-960-474-082-06. (ISI proceedings)
M. Zaremba, D. Plikynas, R. Laukaitis, A. Laukaitis, O. Vasilecas. Induction of Lithuanian-English Translation Rules. 14-th Conference on Information and Software Technologies: IT 2008. Kaunas University of Technology. ISSN 2029-0020.
D. Plikynas. Portfolio Design And Optimization Using Neural Network Based Multiagent System Of Investing Agents. EURO mini conference: continuous optimization and knowledge-based technologies, Nida, Lithuania, Technika, 2008, pp. 137-142. ISBN 978-9955-28-283-9. (ISI proceedings)
A. Laukaitis, O. Vasilecas, D. Plikynas. Formal Concept Analysis for Business Information Systems. Information Technology And Control, Kaunas, Technologija, 2008, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 33 - 37. ISSN 1392-124X. (ISI article)
D. Plikynas. Extended Enterprise Resource Planning: Conceptual Approach Using Multiagent Systems. 10th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation (ACMOS `08), Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-30, 2008, pp. 380-387. ISSN 978-960-6766-63-3. (ISI proceedings)
D. Plikyna. NN-Based Multiagent Platform for Testing Investing Strategies. ISI proceedings in the international workshop AIMSA 2008: Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. Varna, Bulgaria, 4-6th September 2008. ISBN 978-3-540-85775-4. (ISI proceedings)
D. Plikynas. Multiagent-Based Portfolio Simulation Using Neural Networks. MICAI-08: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 7th Mexican International Conference on Artifial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Artifial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer. October 2008. ISBN 978-0-7695-3441-1 (ISI proceedings)
D. Plikynas, R. Aleksiejūnas. Neural Network Based Multiagent System for Simulation of Investing Strategies. 11th International Workshop (Cooperative Information Agents XI), CIA 2007. LNAI Springer, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 2007, pp. 164-180. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-540-75118-2. (ISI proceedings)
D. Plikynas. Wavelike Design of Social Agents Simulated as System of Interacting Net of Neural Networks. International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS 2007, NECSI. New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston, 2007. On-line proceedings:
D. Plikynas. A Social Field Model: Premises for an Artificial Intelligence Based Simulation of Human Society. Proceedings. The First World Congress on Social Simulation, WCSS-06, Koyto University, Kyoto, Japan, August 21-25, 2006, pp. 135-142.
D. Plikynas. A Social Field Model: Premises for an Artificial Intelligence Based Simulation of Human Society. Conference on Artificial Intelligence ICAI/06, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2006. Vol. 1, pp. 111-117. ISBN 1-932415-96-3, 1-932415-97-1 (1-932415-98-X).
D. Plikynas, Y. H. Akbar. Neural Network Approaches to Estimating FDI Flows:Evidence from East and Central Europe. Eastern European Economics. May-June 2006, Vol. 44, no. 3, , pp. 29-59. ISSN 0012-8775. (ISI article)
D. Plikynas, Y. H. Akbar. Application of modified MLP input weights matrices: an analysis of sectorial investment distribution in the emerging markets". Neural Computing & Applications, 2006, 15: 183-196. ISSN 0941-0643. (ISI article)
Portable Rule Extraction Method for Neural Network Decisions Reasoning. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2006, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 79-84. ISSN 1690-4524.
D. Plikynas, Yusaf H. Akbar. Application of Modified Neural Network Weights` Matrices Explaining Determinants of Foreign Investment Patterns in the Emerging Markets. MICAI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, November 14-18, Monterrey, Mexico. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI 3789), 2005, pp. 721-730. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 3-540-29896-7. (ISI proceedings)
D. Plikynas, L. Sakalauskas, A. Poliakova. Analysis of foreign investment impact on the dynamics of national capitalization structure: a computational intelligence approach. Research in International Business and Finance (RIBAF), Vol 19, Issue 2, 2005, pp. 304-332. ISSN 0275-5319.
D. Plikynas, Y. H. Akbar. Explaining FDI Patterns in Central and East Europe: a Neural Network Approach. Ekonomika Nr. 69, 2005, pp. 69-91. ISSN 1392-1258.
D. Plikynas. Explaining International Investment Patterns: a Neural Network Approach. Information Technology and Control, 2005, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 42-50. ISSN 1392-124X. (ISI article)
D. Plikynas, Y. H. Akbar, Z. Echeveria. Explaining Foreign Direct Investment Patterns in Central and East Europe: a Neural Network Approach. Proceedings of the international conference on artificial intelligence. ICAI-05, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 27-30, 2005, pp. 53-59. ISBN 1-932415-66-1, 1-932415-67-X (1-932415-68-8) (ISI proceedings)
D.Plikynas, L. Simanauskas. International Conference on Cybernetics and Informatics Technologies, Systems and Applications. 10th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis July 21-25, 2004, Orlando, Florida USA, Vol 4, pp. 180-185. ISBN 980-6560-19-1 (ISI proceedings)
D. Plikynas. Decision Rules Extraction from Neural Network: a Modified Pedagogical Approach. Information technology and control, 2004, Nr. 2(31), pp. 53-59. ISSN 1392-124X. (ISI article)
D. Plikynas. Dirbtinio neuroninio tinklo sprendimus pagrindžiančių taisyklių kūrimas: finansinio kapitalo rinkų atvejis. Informacijos mokslai, Vilnius, VU leidykla, 2003, Nr. 26, pp. 180-186. ISSN 1392-1487.
D. Plikynas. Finansinio kapitalo rinkų elgesio analizė naudojant dirbtinio intelekto metodus. Konferencijos Informacinės technologijos verslui 2003 pranešimų medžiaga, Kaunas, VUKHF, 2003, pp. 67-76.
D. Plikynas, L. Simanauskas. Finansinio kapitalo rinkų dinamikos analizė naudojant Šiuolaikinius dirbtinio intelekto sistemų metodus. Ekonomika, Vilnius, Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2003 nr. 61, pp. 139-153. ISSN 1392-1258.
S. Stungurienė, D. Plikynas. The integration of information technologgies into the module of operations management. Tarpt. konferencija Lietuvos aukštais mokslas: diagnozės ir prognozės, KTU, 2003, pp. 132-149.
D. Plikynas, S. Simanauskas, S. Būda. Research of Neural Network Methods for Compound Stock Exchange Indices Analysis. Informatica, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2002, 13 (4), pp. 465-484. ISSN 0868-4952. (ISI article)
D. Plikynas, R. Aleksiejūnas, L. Simanauskas. Search for Periodic and Nonperiodic Fluctations in Financial Capital Markets Using Joint Time-Frequency and Deterministic Chaos Methods. 8-th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, VGTU, June 23-29, 2002. ISBN 9955-491-18-3
Search for Periodic and Nonperiodic Fluctuations in Financial Capital Markets Using Joint Time-Frequency and Deterministic Chaos Methods. Information technology and control, Kaunas, Technologija, 2002, No. 4(25), 69 -81. ISSN 1392-124X. (ISI article)
D. Plikynas, S. Simanauskas, S. Būda. Lietuvos NVPB indeksų LITIN prognozavimas naudojant dirbtinių neuroninių tinklų metodus. Informacinės technologijos verslui - 2001, respublikinė konferencija, VU Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas, 2001 gegužės 30 (pranešimų medžiaga).
D. Plikynas, S. Simanauskas. Lietuvos NVPB indeksų LITIN entropijos ir koreliacijos tyrimas. Lietuvos ūkio konkurencingumas, Vilniaus universiteto ekonomikos fakulteto konferencija, 2001 lapkričio 23, konferencijos pranešimo medžiaga.
D. Plikynas, S. Simanauskas, S. Būda. Nacionalinės vertybinių popierių biržos LITIN indeksų prognozavimas dirbtinių neuroninių tinklų metodais. Fundamentinės ir techninės finansinės analizės duomenų panaudojimas. Informacijos mokslai, Vilnius, VU leidykla, 2001, Nr. 18, p. 69-74. ISSN 1392-1487.
D. Plikynas, S. Simanauskas, S. Būda. Vertybinių popierių kainų indeksų tyrimai naudojant dirbtinių neuroninių tinklų metodus. Ekonomika 55-56. Vilnius, Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2001, p. 113 133. ISSN 1392-1258.
+ other publications