Professor / Senior research fellow
Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
+370 62095101
“We are a very unique miracle of Earth's Nature, born in the vastness of the Cosmos, which is in the process of understanding the objective micro, meso, and macro laws of the Universe and recognizing its own subjective Self-aware essence..."
– Darius Plikynas

Research interests and outputs
My multidisciplinary interests include fundamental and applied research, e.g. computational intelligence, neuroscience, information theory, agent-based or multi-agent simulations, complexity research, distributed cognition, propaganda and disinformation detection and impact research, modelling of individual and social behaviour.
Two scholar monographs, eight chapters in academic books, over 50 papers, and over 60 conference papers.
Current workplace
Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
Unit: Smart Technologies Research Group
Position: Chief Research Fellow
Address: Akademijos str. 4, Vilnius
Telephone: (8 5) 210 9333, (8 620) 95101
E-mail: darius.plikynas@mif.vu.lt
Academic URL: http://www.dariusplikynas.eu
Lecturing and supervision
Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Vilnius University Faculty of Communication
2003: PhD thesis in Economics "Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics Using Artificial Intelligence Methods in Financial Capital Markets" defended at the Faculty of Economics of the VU, Department of Theoretical Economics
1996-1998: Master's degree in International Trade, VU Faculty of Economics (IBS)
1996-1997: Engineering degree in Physics, Computer Science and Networks, Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics
1995-1996: Bachelor's degree in International Trade, Faculty of Economics (IBS)
1990-1995: Engineering Physicist degree in Applied Optics and Spectroscopy, Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics
2015-2022: VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
2015-2022: VGTU Faculty of Management, Department of Business Technology and Entrepreneurship
20012-2015: Kazimieras Simonavičius University
2010-1011: Southern New Hampshire University, USA, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute (Fullbright grant)
2007-2012: College of Business Management
2007-2008: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, VU
2002-2006: Faculty of Economics, VU
1997-2003: Head of Operations and Information Systems, Vilniaus Banko Lizingas

Hobies include, but are not limited to:
care and maintenance of the homestead
healthy bathing in traditional sauna
jnana yoga
organization of handcraft fairs
organization of educational events and celebrations
vegetarian diet
swimming, and hikes in Nature
More details: TatTvamAsi (tuotuesi.lt)